Alternative Dispute Resolution
As a result of growing demand for efficient and timely solutions, high stakes disputes are increasingly being resolved outside the courtroom. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is certainly catching on as a means of settling disputes both for individuals and corporates alike. Arbitration and mediation are the most commonly practiced forms of ADR.
Our lawyers have a wealth of experience in resolving disputes and we harness this extensive knowledge to develop case strategies and work with our clients to formulate and implement the most effective solutions to reduce costly escalation. We act for major corporations from key industry sectors including energy and infrastructure, construction and engineering, insurance and reinsurance, international trade and financial institutions.
Services offered under Alternative Dispute Resolution
"We believe in, and embrace ADR mechanisms such as Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration as may be appropriate to protect the best interests of our clients."
Cleophas Kiprotich
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Our Firm offers services with a depth of expertise and breadth of experience in addition to sound commercial judgement. This approach draws upon the collective knowledge and resources of each relevant practice area across our different backgrounds as appropriate, to achieve efficient, effective and practical results for our clients.